

This is a very big topic, so big that condensation not rising damp is recognised to be the most common cause of dampness within residential buildings and I would definitely agree with this. There are so many ways in which condensation can arise. Further it is little known that mould growth that can be an obvious sign of condensation problems and once started it can and will grow and proliferate even although the original source of the moisture has been stopped. This then will look as if the problem is getting worse and it is, but the source when found hasn’t changed. Another big issue is that I cannot count the times that I have been called in to look at an obvious (to me) condensation issue that has previously been via a builder a contractor or a well-meaning friend, attributed to a ‘burst pipe’ or a ‘leak’ when it is almost never due to an external issue. As above. It’s a big issue and as properties become more insulated and less ventilated it’s going to get bigger.

If you’re concerned that condensation is a problem at your property, view our on-site services to see how we can help you.